By Nate Gonzales
#9433 So, congrats on making the Final Five!

Now, with two tribals away from the Final Tribal Council, do you think your biggest challenge is going to be MAKING final tribal council or WINNING final tribal council?

How do you plan on doing so?
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By Rory
#9490 Making it to FTC is still a challenge, even though on the surface it's smooth sailing. But the wildcard Sarah is still in the game. I might still get fucked. I really need to fucking win a challenge for fucking once. I'm motherfucking livid. Fuck i tell you.

I'm not worried about winning final tc (if i get there). I don't have a decent track record of winning FTCs. I've reached the FTC twice in my ORG career (did you know I made it to F2 in a game of 48 players, and didn't turn up? lol), but i've been horrendous at it. My focus now is not on winning, but getting there as the case has been since the merge. I'll worry about it when i get there. I have things to say. I know I may garner at least a vote or two. I don't think I have enough to win the game. Just yet.
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By Rory
#9556 I find this entire conversation with Sarah hilarious. I just fucking got out of bed and got bombarded. At this rate, i don't even mind getting voted the fuck out tonight. I just cant deal with her anymore. Nothing is worth this.

okay bro
you need to chill
whatever you're doing rn
stop it

mmm ok

because i can figure this out

what am i doing exactly

i swear to you
you're spreading lies about all sorts of people to all sorts of other people
i need you to stay calm

what lies exacly

that i'm targeting cassandra

lol i never said that

that's what i was told by ozzy

you can believe him if you want to
but why would that even make sense?

idk you have a reputation for being a crazy person apparently

i dont even know how to respond to that
when have i ever been a crazy person
i'm cat crazy yes

did you
or did you not
organize the craziest ftc stunt in history

i've only been in an ftc once
jury slayed me

what about the time you werent in ftc

it was not crazy
ah yes
my first ever ORG
i was f2 and didnt turn up

i hate you

India.. i was in jury
what stunt?
voting for twila to win?


yeah the entire jury went for it
wasnt just me dude
everybody hated brady

i'm not attaching you

yeah i know
i'm just telling you
that ftc was fun

okay well, i'm just checking to see if you're stirring shit here
because your name has been brought up

i'm not
and i understand because there's only few of us left
my name is bound to come up at some point
are we voting together with casandra



i want us to stick together

and yul as a backup?


ok prevoted
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By Rory
#9557 If I'm in the final 3 and I get the jury question : "What's the most difficult thing you had to do in this game?", it would be "enduring Sarah".
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