By Mia
Andrea wrote:
Brenda wrote:I keep trying to get here live for a TC and keep missing it.

wtf are you doing here Andrea, you aren't suppose to be here till F5?

nah, that was assuming my alliance held, haha. it did not. it's all right, 6th place queen.

i didn't want you to go btw.

You should have voted for Rory.
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By Andrea
#9459 I mentioned I was Jewish in that message. And yeah, seeing his comments here I understand that he didn't mean that in a bad way. He did also call me Hitler here though, so...

You're right, I'm not good at confrontation aaaaaat all. Will fully own up to it. But I leave the game at the door so if you're cool, I'm cool.
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By Andrea
Mia wrote:
Andrea wrote:
Brenda wrote:I keep trying to get here live for a TC and keep missing it.

wtf are you doing here Andrea, you aren't suppose to be here till F5?

nah, that was assuming my alliance held, haha. it did not. it's all right, 6th place queen.

i didn't want you to go btw.

You should have voted for Rory.

I know girl, I have kicked myself for this many a time.
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By Mia
Andrea wrote:I mentioned I was Jewish in that message. And yeah, seeing his comments here I understand that he didn't mean that in a bad way. He did also call me Hitler here though, so...

You're right, I'm not good at confrontation aaaaaat all. Will fully own up to it. But I leave the game at the door so if you're cool, I'm cool.

Sorry, I must have missed that. I think I was grocery shopping when I read that message and clearly I didn't read it clear enough. I was even hazy on the details of your frustration with Vytas when I tried to explain what I thought happened here.

I leave the game at the door too, but I'll want to discuss some things before that. I'm catching up on Twin Peaks and then heading to bed, but we'll have time. Sorry you got voted out.
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By Andrea
Mia wrote:
Andrea wrote:I mentioned I was Jewish in that message. And yeah, seeing his comments here I understand that he didn't mean that in a bad way. He did also call me Hitler here though, so...

You're right, I'm not good at confrontation aaaaaat all. Will fully own up to it. But I leave the game at the door so if you're cool, I'm cool.

Sorry, I must have missed that. I think I was grocery shopping when I read that message and clearly I didn't read it clear enough. I was even hazy on the details of your frustration with Vytas when I tried to explain what I thought happened here.

I leave the game at the door too, but I'll want to discuss some things before that. I'm catching up on Twin Peaks and then heading to bed, but we'll have time. Sorry you got voted out.

oh no it's fine, i was ready to go. and totally, we can't PM here but you can email me or hit me up on skype or something? i don't know how to get that info to you. a host can do it maybe?

have a good night. sorry you got voted out too.
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By Brenda
Andrea wrote:
Brenda wrote:I keep trying to get here live for a TC and keep missing it.

wtf are you doing here Andrea, you aren't suppose to be here till F5?

nah, that was assuming my alliance held, haha. it did not. it's all right, 6th place queen.

i didn't want you to go btw.

Bish you mighta warned me about idols tho :P We four coulda taken this game! (At least for one more round till we fell apart :v )
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By Andrea
Brenda wrote:
Andrea wrote:
Brenda wrote:I keep trying to get here live for a TC and keep missing it.

wtf are you doing here Andrea, you aren't suppose to be here till F5?

nah, that was assuming my alliance held, haha. it did not. it's all right, 6th place queen.

i didn't want you to go btw.

Bish you mighta warned me about idols tho :P We four coulda taken this game! (At least for one more round till we fell apart :v )

i found out about those idols 30 seconds before tribal and i wasn't told who had them, just that "he'd explain after." i 100000% would have told you.

and then i made a TOOOOOOTALLY EMOOOOOTIONAL decision to vote out a person who was leaving me out of strategy discussions icon_laughing
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By Mia
#9465 I'll find find you on twitter at some point tomorrow Andrea.
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By Liliana
#9472 no offense but i dont understand how fucking blind you would have to be to think going with the super tight group of 3 and their side hoe is better than going with the messy group who no one really likes.
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By Katie
#9474 Sigh. Cassandra is playing the game I wanted to play post-merge. icon_wub
How Rory-Yul-Sarah don't align to take either her or Ozzy out next would be beyond flabbergasting to me.
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By Katie
Liliana wrote:no offense but i dont understand how fucking blind you would have to be to think going with the super tight group of 3 and their side hoe is better than going with the messy group who no one really likes.

Who are the "messy group who no one likes"? I mean- you had a lot of options in the game and still made choices that got you voted out, what... 3x??
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By Andrea
Katie wrote:Sigh. Cassandra is playing the game I wanted to play post-merge. icon_wub
How Rory-Yul-Sarah don't align to take either her or Ozzy out next would be beyond flabbergasting to me.

Cass is kiiiilling it. I was pretty sure she was playing me today and there was STILL nothing i could do about it. that's solid as hell.
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By Vytas
Rudy wrote:About our switched tribe: take note that Yul and I had a strategy when we first switched. I was to work on you/Andrea and he was to work on Candice/Rory. I don't want to excuse his lack of socializing with you two, but part of our focus was to nurture relationships with different groups.

You don't have to excuse anything, yul was, I think, the only player who I really enjoyed talking about non game shit, lol.
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By Vytas
Mia wrote:Maybe you're right and Vytas is exaggerating what she would say about me

I'm not
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By Andrea
#9497 i can't believe y'all were here all pumped up and circlejerking about how oversensitive that andrea is, and now we're at ponderosa, the game is over, and you're all hurt over something i didn't even say. the irony here is so thick. y'all are a riot.
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By Mia
Andrea wrote:I didn't want to go with the messy group no one really likes? Different strokes.

Personal stuff aside this is why your gameplay sucked. You burned your game and others' games because you didn't like people. That's just idiotic. And yes, it makes you oversensitive.

What are we supposedly hurt over that you didn't say? I'm not following.
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By Mia
Katie wrote:Sigh. Cassandra is playing the game I wanted to play post-merge. icon_wub
How Rory-Yul-Sarah don't align to take either her or Ozzy out next would be beyond flabbergasting to me.

THIS but I'm assuming Ozzy and Cass both have idols thanks to Brenda.
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