- Tue Aug 22, 2017 5:12:59 am
Re The Vytas Is a Racist Issue
I didn't think it was cool of Mia to bring that conversation up. At the SAME time, if Andrea really did label you as a racist over something taken out of context, that's not cool either. I wasn't apart of the conversation Andrea and Vytas had so I can't really comment. Andrea sent me a quoted exchange but tbh I didn't care about the details, I was just trying to coddle her to save my own neck this round. What I will say is that as a black wealthy gay conservative, I was on my toes all season playing with Andrea. I've
seen her twitter.
My Impressions:
Ozzy - He has positioned himself so fucking masterfully. I don't know how y'all can't see this. He will take my place as the person Yul is most loyal to. Even Rory is enamored with him. I honestly see Ozzy as a LOCK for F3. He makes it there no matter who goes home moving forward and that's to be respected. Everyone else can leave the game at any point over the next several rounds based on the info I have (which might not be much considering the unanimous vote).
Yul - OK so I'm going to be obviously biased when I say this, but Yul is definitely playing a decent strategic game. Yes, he's a bit game botty but I think he's been making good moves based on the cards dealt. His social game is what is fucking terrible. There were many times where Yul told me I was better connected and that I should do the talking. I felt like I was always encouraging him to pm people and "handle situations". I sometimes felt like I was doing the most leg work socially. Yul definitely flipped on me this vote. I think you guys lit a fire under him. How he does without me (which I think will be fine) will determine how much I champion him. He's such a great guy btw. So cool.
Sarah - I think her game is utter garbage. She makes no sense in IMs or pms. The way she twists your words is blatantly obvious and very frustrating. idk if you peeps here like her, but she's pretty unpopular with the remaining players. The only reason she'll make it to the end is not because "she's fighting". It's because people are dragging her along. Talking to her was an awful chore for a lot of people. I think her social game is worse than Yul's, and that's saying something. It's not like she's a Mia where she's gone all day then logs on and MAKES MOVES. And she's also not a Rory where she's extra enjoyable to talk to.
Rory - I AM A RORY FAN! Time zone be damned, he's a good actor and decent communicator. There was real distrust between us after the Candice vote, but we quickly patched things up and he was someone I could depend on for a while. He is relishing in his position as a goat and free agent and slowly gaining influence every vote that he survives. The distinction between Rory and Sarah is CRITICAL here, because while they are in similar positions, Rory's social game is 1000000x better. People actually like Rory and enjoy him immensely. Rory has always been a boot decoy. Not many have actually wanted to seem him gone. Rory is climbing the ranks.
Andrea - Her game is confusing to me. Her turning on Vytas was a major turning point for her. She's going to say it was strategic and that Vytas leaving her out of the vote was a sign that he was not to be trusted. However, I don't buy that 100%. Right after the vote, Yul and I decided that WE HAD TO WORK ON HER. I knew she was an emotional player, so Yul and I strategized on what "trigger words" to use with her after Brenda left. I kept hammering home that she didn't have a "partnership" with Vytas and that he didn't "value" her opinion. I reminded her that Yul and I would never treat each other like that and she deserved better. She was definitely riled up. idk, I don't think the Vytas vote was the
best move for her, and after talking to Mia, I do think it was based on emotions more so that strategy. She really did go above and beyond to trash you, Vytas. lol I of course joined in.

She likes people who coddle her. Socially, she's pretty great and can afford the time to chat with everyone all the time. She's actually the best. And sorry to Mia/Liliana, but how the FUCK did you think she was still your ally when she never voted with you? lol How many times did she have to screw you ladies over for you to get it??? Sounds like she snowed y'all. The social game is her strongest suit. She doesn't work full time so that helps. Barely part-time? That's not a read btw.
Cass - She's cool. She's the one who's been in control of the game. She's well connected right a long with Ozzy, except she's a viewed as a bigger threat. While Ozzy is the best positioned to make it far and win, I think Cass has the most influence to dictate who leaves. And this is despite a lot of people admittedly saying they don't trust her as much. This is also to be respected. I was honest when I told her this vote that she and myself would be prime targets at F7. Another reason I'm gone is because I think I didn't work enough to get her favor. I think she will have trouble making it to the end at this point with me gone. She has to play aggressive from this point on.