By Mia
#9058 Seriously????? I would be too. That's just outright ignorance on her part. But of course SHE'S offended because she can't bother to understand anything about Romanian culture. I wouldn't have given a fuck.

She's so fucking self-centered. I can't.
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By Mia
#9059 Part of me hopes she's just being used by everyone in the game and she got tricked into turning on her allies. Part of me hopes she makes the FTC so she can get completely destroyed there.
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By Mia
#9060 Also not only does she live in like the same fucking city as me, but she literally frequents the same metro stop I live at. I was legitimately going to to meet up with her after but LMAO as fucking if.
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By Vytas
Mia wrote:Seriously????? I would be too. That's just outright ignorance on her part. But of course SHE'S offended because she can't bother to understand anything about Romanian culture. I wouldn't have given a fuck.

She's so fucking self-centered. I can't.

dead serious. and i would've been happy to explain everything that guy represents had she fuckin asked!!!
i don't blame anyone for not trying to understand other country's culture, but at least make sure you're not wrong when you accuse a person of such things.

Mia wrote:Part of me hopes she's just being used by everyone in the game and she got tricked into turning on her allies. Part of me hopes she makes the FTC so she can get completely destroyed there.

i'd rather see her completely destroyed here. it sucks that after tonight she has a guaranteed ftc seat as the goat.
was she the one who organized my elimination? and did she do it because i was a nazi?

Mia wrote:Also not only does she live in like the same fucking city as me, but she literally frequents the same metro stop I live at. I was legitimately going to to meet up with her after but LMAO as fucking if.

yeah, she told me about it. she was happy at first, and i was a little worried that she'd want to play with you because you'll have a coffee together post-season icon_laughing
and after that ozzy comment she was ranting that she can't stand you and has to meet you in 2 weeks.

go meet up, otherwise she'll tell all your friends that you're sexist. and make sure to tell her how she is the best person in the world, or you'll also be labeled as racist.
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By Vytas
#9062 i'm still shocked about it.

for 2 seasons, i went out of my way to be an asshole. i was making so many stupid comments just to piss people off.
3rd one, i'm nice to everyone. even my confessionals are fuckin clean and game related. i wasn't nice because i wanted to win, but i really liked the players and wanted everyone to have a good time. and to find out about this... it's fuckin heartbreaking.
both on personal levels and in game.
i thought i got voted out for strategic purposes and paid for my mistakes, and i didn't have any problem with that. to find out that in my final game, where i want so much to do well and have fun, my closest ally turns on me for no reason and tells people those lies about me... i'm not exaggerating, it really is heartbreaking.
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By Mia
#9064 </3

that sucks so much, you really were not the same vytas in this but for what it's worth that's what made you such a threat, so like I think there's SOME truth to her being scared of oyu as a player but i definitely think she let the other stuff play in. or was just looking for an excuse to vote you out and make herself feel better. which is also fucking weak and pathetic. she said something about being soooooo frustrated by you or something that she was going crazy in her confessional and joaquin had to like come in and also comfort her. lmao.

but either way my fav moments with you were when you were just being an ass with me and shooting the shit, i loved that and you even though we were basically frenemies and against each other. Also I'm glad I turned you gay <3 <3 icon_wub

and seriously. she was badmouthing me that much? I knew she was upset by it but I also don't feel bad, she set the chain in motion and I pretty much exclusively was mad at her about the ozzy stuff. the best part is that around that time i was so not into wanting to meet up with her. like, DC is a busy city and I'm barely ever home between work, networking, and social obligations so I remember asking myself I really wanted to waste time on her? lmao no. I do hope I see her on the subway sometime so I can glare at her and make her feel uncomfortable.
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By Vytas
#9070 everyone was scared of me, i wouldn't have it any other way icon_lol

it's even worse imo if she used that as an excuse. she talks all the time about what's right or wrong and is quick to judge/blame people who "cross the line". that's a line that shouldn't be crossed.
i think i frustrated her a few times, if she talks about strategy. i know she wasn't happy before the merge when i was asking rory to post publicly about the shit that was happening in his tribe. also i kept telling her to stop playing with her heart and do what's best for her game. she was frustrating me with that too. i remember after we voted out wigles - she would vote anyone but you or sarah, because she "wouldn't want you to spend any time alone with someone as vile as wigs". her exact words, i had a confessional about it.

i was 100% with you until you tried to tie the vote when i voted brenda. i wanted you to be my goat icon_wub

i'm not making shit up. she wasn't looking forward to meet up with you. on the day of my blindside she was all "i can't wait to vote mia out, i'm so done with her". sure, some of that was her playing me, but her attitude before that was on the same par. i felt confident because i was getting from her the same stuff she was saying when we voted out sophie - yep, she badmouthed her a whole weekend. (i'm a little guilty of that too, tbh)

i'd be surprised if you see her on the subway. i think the only place she'll be seen in the near future is ORG boards. and this is the first mean sentence i'm writing this season. hopefully, last.
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By Brenda
#9076 Y'all are fucking nuts. All I saw last night was her reacting pretty reasonably to a desperate Mia throwing shit at the fan on her way out.

Here's an alternate idea that doesn't fit your narrative so you've glossed right over it. She was shook at you two turning so easily that night I left (not about me, just the last round she was with you), so of course she turns and works with the people who stuck with the plan. I mean we were all half working with them anyway. She's just followed through.

Also can we talk about Yul lol, he was fab at TC.

Also also, wb Liliana, that was a brief layover ban? What happened there?
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By Mia
#9077 Fair points Brenda, but there were some massive lead ups to last night. I don't want to make assumptions about your exposure to her, but Vytas and I were in pretty deep. She was nuts. And either way, her turning on us tonwork with people that were nice to her just because we flipped the plan to vote Lily is still just as crazy.

PS you were so frustrating that night... I know I had been gone all day but I threw that fit with you to save you! When you weren't going to save yourself I knew I had to try something else. Although I can't for the life of me figure out why I didn't just tell you about the idol to get you to vote Rory. Would you have played yours?
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By Vytas
Brenda wrote:Y'all are fucking nuts. All I saw last night was her reacting pretty reasonably to a desperate Mia throwing shit at the fan on her way out.

Here's an alternate idea that doesn't fit your narrative so you've glossed right over it. She was shook at you two turning so easily that night I left (not about me, just the last round she was with you), so of course she turns and works with the people who stuck with the plan. I mean we were all half working with them anyway. She's just followed through.

so she called me a nazi because i turned on you? how is that better for me?
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By Brenda
#9089 Did she call you a nazi at all though? This all sounds like an extreme jump to conclusions.

As for that day & night Mia, I spent most of the day working my ass off to get something going where there'd be no chance of the three parts of the game as I saw them, ganging up on us four as the fourth and biggest. Because that seemed like the likely thing that morning. Either it'd be you or me probably. Vytas/Andrea/myself were supposed to be letting you go to build something bigger. I wasn't entirely opposed to it, but if there were any way for something else to happen I'd try make it happen. Vytas was dead set against you leaving. Andrea seemed to be making plans without me to let it happen if it had. But by that night I think she and I were closer to the same page.

In the morning most of my time was spent with Lily & Sarah trying to see if they'd legit stick with us four to make a six and take out one of Rudy/Yul. And Lily seemed to want that a bit, but as push came to shove and a "well who do you want to go for and we'll back you up?", she left me hanging with just "hey tell me a name and I'll follow!" which was completely non-confidence inspiring at all. Made me think it was all false and she was just fishing for some way to use it against us. And then Sarah was her usual flaky self. Seemed to be down for anything, even booting Lily. Which meant she wasn't really down for anything at all. I was just left with a complete lack of confidence in anything working out over there.

But then all day I ended up chatting with the other side so much more. And it all felt so much more genuine. I could dump it in Rudy/Yul's lap that Ozzy/Cass were trying to make them the scapegoats in any targeting of us. I could big up that pair's threat level back to Cass/Ozzy. I was feeling closer with Andrea than ever, and Cass too for that matter. There were routes there to the end. It might have turned onto you the next night but not me I don't think. Although, I laid out that day to myself how if it was to be Tianguan to the end, it needed to be Andrea not sitting there because of her stronger links to most. Meanwhile going with Lily/Sarah was just all downhill. We just give those two the power to swing back and forth on us and my relationship with both was way behind theirs with you, Vytas or Andrea. So I'd definitely end up being first to fall.

So hell yes I would have played it lol. I would have played it if I'd kept refreshing for that last minute instead of getting distracted even without you saying anything :P

When you weren't going to save yourself I knew I had to try something else.

Like save me from who? Lily/Sarah & their idols? By working with them? How was that going to work!
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By Mia
#9091 I also wish I had access to my chat transcript from the night's both Vytas and Lil were voted out. Everyone was lying through their teeth to my face those nights, Andrea did extra. The amount of fake love and how much she was sooooo excited to meet up she was spewing took a behemoth of a conscious effort to do, considering how much she apparently wasn't ok with me. That's some stank behavior just to make sure I still like her after she was already over me for insulting her about the Ozzy stuff, and for trying to save both Brenda and Lily.

If you're going to be a bitch, just fucking own it. I'm not proud of all my actions in this game, but they were mine and I won't be beta about it. Definitely some trash levels of questionable actions on display right there.

But also Brenda, I tried to compel her pretty hard to save you. I told her about the idol and that Vytas and Lil were going after you, and I didn't want it. She ignored that. Granted it was all last minute, but she was fully in the know.
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By Brenda
#9103 Oh really? I wasn't sure how much she knew or not. Well fuck yis all anyway, one of you could have warned me it was coming between you. No wonder we fell apart.
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By Vytas
Brenda wrote:Vytas was dead set against you leaving. Andrea seemed to be making plans without me to let it happen if it had. But by that night I think she and I were closer to the same page.

dead set? not really. i wanted one of you/mia out because you were both pretty dangerous for me and my alliances. without you, i thought i'd have a better chance to work with big cass and ozzy. without mia, better chance with sarah and tiger lily. i was telling you that mia has to go, but also to her that it should be you.
me and andrea had an alliance with rudy/yul formed when we were at bai qi. it was me/candice/rudy/yul actually, but andrea took her place in the merge. she wanted to work with ozzy and cass but for emotional reasons - at least that's what she told me - and i had to adapt to her wish. they were both talking to her about their daddy issues and other problems they had in their lives. that's why she preferred ozzy/cass over lily/sarah.

Like save me from who? Lily/Sarah & their idols? By working with them? How was that going to work!

i told them everything that was going on 1 hour before the vote. until that point, i think they were under the impression that it's rory. could be wrong, but i don't think they were looking to play the idols before that.

Mia wrote:But also Brenda, I tried to compel her pretty hard to save you. I told her about the idol and that Vytas and Lil were going after you, and I didn't want it. She ignored that. Granted it was all last minute, but she was fully in the know.

i told her what was about to happen a few minutes before you talked to her. she came back to me with your request and i said it's better to stick to the plan. i don't know if she was ok with it or not. she probably was, since she didn't do anything about it.
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By Wigles
#9108 hold up, Cassandra used my fake idol!? HHAHAHHAHAHAHA
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By Rudy
#9240 Re The Vytas Is a Racist Issue
I didn't think it was cool of Mia to bring that conversation up. At the SAME time, if Andrea really did label you as a racist over something taken out of context, that's not cool either. I wasn't apart of the conversation Andrea and Vytas had so I can't really comment. Andrea sent me a quoted exchange but tbh I didn't care about the details, I was just trying to coddle her to save my own neck this round. What I will say is that as a black wealthy gay conservative, I was on my toes all season playing with Andrea. I've seen her twitter. icon_ha icon_ha icon_ha

My Impressions:
Ozzy - He has positioned himself so fucking masterfully. I don't know how y'all can't see this. He will take my place as the person Yul is most loyal to. Even Rory is enamored with him. I honestly see Ozzy as a LOCK for F3. He makes it there no matter who goes home moving forward and that's to be respected. Everyone else can leave the game at any point over the next several rounds based on the info I have (which might not be much considering the unanimous vote).

Yul - OK so I'm going to be obviously biased when I say this, but Yul is definitely playing a decent strategic game. Yes, he's a bit game botty but I think he's been making good moves based on the cards dealt. His social game is what is fucking terrible. There were many times where Yul told me I was better connected and that I should do the talking. I felt like I was always encouraging him to pm people and "handle situations". I sometimes felt like I was doing the most leg work socially. Yul definitely flipped on me this vote. I think you guys lit a fire under him. How he does without me (which I think will be fine) will determine how much I champion him. He's such a great guy btw. So cool.

Sarah - I think her game is utter garbage. She makes no sense in IMs or pms. The way she twists your words is blatantly obvious and very frustrating. idk if you peeps here like her, but she's pretty unpopular with the remaining players. The only reason she'll make it to the end is not because "she's fighting". It's because people are dragging her along. Talking to her was an awful chore for a lot of people. I think her social game is worse than Yul's, and that's saying something. It's not like she's a Mia where she's gone all day then logs on and MAKES MOVES. And she's also not a Rory where she's extra enjoyable to talk to.

Rory - I AM A RORY FAN! Time zone be damned, he's a good actor and decent communicator. There was real distrust between us after the Candice vote, but we quickly patched things up and he was someone I could depend on for a while. He is relishing in his position as a goat and free agent and slowly gaining influence every vote that he survives. The distinction between Rory and Sarah is CRITICAL here, because while they are in similar positions, Rory's social game is 1000000x better. People actually like Rory and enjoy him immensely. Rory has always been a boot decoy. Not many have actually wanted to seem him gone. Rory is climbing the ranks.

Andrea - Her game is confusing to me. Her turning on Vytas was a major turning point for her. She's going to say it was strategic and that Vytas leaving her out of the vote was a sign that he was not to be trusted. However, I don't buy that 100%. Right after the vote, Yul and I decided that WE HAD TO WORK ON HER. I knew she was an emotional player, so Yul and I strategized on what "trigger words" to use with her after Brenda left. I kept hammering home that she didn't have a "partnership" with Vytas and that he didn't "value" her opinion. I reminded her that Yul and I would never treat each other like that and she deserved better. She was definitely riled up. idk, I don't think the Vytas vote was the best move for her, and after talking to Mia, I do think it was based on emotions more so that strategy. She really did go above and beyond to trash you, Vytas. lol I of course joined in. icon_ha She likes people who coddle her. Socially, she's pretty great and can afford the time to chat with everyone all the time. She's actually the best. And sorry to Mia/Liliana, but how the FUCK did you think she was still your ally when she never voted with you? lol How many times did she have to screw you ladies over for you to get it??? Sounds like she snowed y'all. The social game is her strongest suit. She doesn't work full time so that helps. Barely part-time? That's not a read btw.

Cass - She's cool. She's the one who's been in control of the game. She's well connected right a long with Ozzy, except she's a viewed as a bigger threat. While Ozzy is the best positioned to make it far and win, I think Cass has the most influence to dictate who leaves. And this is despite a lot of people admittedly saying they don't trust her as much. This is also to be respected. I was honest when I told her this vote that she and myself would be prime targets at F7. Another reason I'm gone is because I think I didn't work enough to get her favor. I think she will have trouble making it to the end at this point with me gone. She has to play aggressive from this point on.
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By Rudy
#9241 TLDR:

I can see myself voting for anyone left in the game except for Sarah. Ozzy is by far my top contender. Followed by a tie between Rory/Cass. Based on personal bias alone, Yul has my vote if he's NOT in the end with Cass and Ozzy. There's still more to be seen by Andrea. How she reacts to the jury will be telling.
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By Brenda
#9256 This TC being so quiet and Mia leaving last night are directly correlated :P
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By Liliana
Ozzy - He has positioned himself so fucking masterfully. I don't know how y'all can't see this.

Boi the fuck you talking about. You're the one who voted me out instead of taking a chance to get him
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