By Rory
#9101 Listed my plans in yesterday's confessional.
Going to be honest and say that yes, I do think I'm a goat to a certain extent. But when you're in a minority, and these are the cards you're dealt with.. you just gotta go with the flow. Between giants and legends, sometimes less is more. I've told a few of them that they can let me know things on a NEED TO KNOW basis, and I'm fine with it. Im not going to be like Sarah, who throws tantrum because people aren't playing how SHE wants to play. That's not how you navigate a social game like this. It's a really difficult position to be in.. be just slightly under the radar so that people won't see you as a threat, but also not going to treat you as a disposable number in this game. It's fucking hard. Not as easy as you would think. And this is a FIRST. I've never played this role before. It's not as easy as I thought it would be. And yes, if I get to the final 3 with the right people, I do think I have a decent chance at winning the game (or at least second place).
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By Rory
#9102 mmm sarah just told me she heard rudy's name is thrown around. WTF? Did Yul just told her about this? OMG
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