- Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:22:11 am
Mia wrote:Yeah it was the romanian nazi shirt, I can't remmeber what she said, but she was so fucking offended. I was pissed.
ok, i'm gonna explain this one because i don't want any misinterpretations about what actually happened, and i don't want people to believe her version. i wish people told me about it before.
from memory, this is how that conversation went
andrea: *something about nazi protests*
me: i heard about it on the news, one of the leaders wore a shirt of a romanian legend. he was all about patriotism and keeping the nation strong, and he's still one of our beloved figures. i don't think your nazis really understand him
(note: and it's true. that guy had no supremacist agenda, he was just about long live romania)
andrea: yeah nazis aren't known for understanding things
that was fuckin it. i didn't think for one second that she'd be offended by it. i didn't think ANYONE could be offended by it. maybe the nazis, because i said they don't understand it.
there was no more talk about that protest, and that was good with me, because i really didn't give a fuck about american nazis. but she didn't give me the impression AT ANY POINT that she considers what i said to be wrong. from my perspective, it wasn't.
some nazis like a romanian who means something for my country. i am not denouncing him because idiots don't understand his message. nice way to turn it into a "vytas is a nazi" thing.
this goes way beyond the game. i'm so fuckin mad.