- Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:54:15 am
Yeah there's a bunch of people I missed out on playing with, like Vytas and Liliana. I have such FOMO watching this all unfold.
- Fri Aug 18, 2017 4:01:46 am
Finally got to watch a TC live.
Sarah is kind of a mess. I want to root for her, but she makes it so hard. Mia, you wasted the public immunity idol! Rudy keeps winning immunity. Oh, and finally a straight split vote without stray votes. That's cool. Andrea getting called out in the aftermath of the boot was funny.
I really have no rooting interest, so it is fun to watch this stuff play out.
Sarah is kind of a mess. I want to root for her, but she makes it so hard. Mia, you wasted the public immunity idol! Rudy keeps winning immunity. Oh, and finally a straight split vote without stray votes. That's cool. Andrea getting called out in the aftermath of the boot was funny.
I really have no rooting interest, so it is fun to watch this stuff play out.
- Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:03:22 pm
I haven't been paying attention really though, who is winning/dominating?
- Sat Aug 19, 2017 2:38:11 pm
No clue but bitch Liliana was so good in this, that's why this season is trash. I can't even hate her, and the idiots who I thought I would like in this season have been vile trash (see: candice).
- Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:35:10 am
BLEH at Sarah going. This season makes us question "Can this get worse?" and it nods its head every fucking episode.
- Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:56:56 am
Glad Ozzy got called out
Great tribal.
Too bad the boot order is ho hum.
Great tribal.
Too bad the boot order is ho hum.
- Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:15:37 am
Didn't finish reading tribal but fwiw the people in the game should take Mia's advice because if there is anyone who can do a hell of a job switching up a jury it's Mia.
Didn't get to see her but bummed she is gone honestly. Going to re-read tribal and hopefully she really did go out in the blaze that she should have.
Didn't get to see her but bummed she is gone honestly. Going to re-read tribal and hopefully she really did go out in the blaze that she should have.
- Mon Aug 21, 2017 1:21:52 pm
Lots of respect for Mia's post to Wigles saying she wasn't offended by her comments and was just acting up for the crowd. I thought at the time that some of the reactions were over-the-top.
- Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:57:48 pm
Is what Mia and Vytas discussing re: the Andrea/Nazi thing true? Or is Mia just working her magic against Andrea?
- Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:11:33 pm
I think Cass is playing an amazing game. At the moment though it just seems like people will get voted off based on who's the biggest threat each tribal. So whoever is 4th "best" right now will probably win. I could see Andrea, Cass and Rudy being the next three boots.
Tammy wrote:I haven't been paying attention really though, who is winning/dominating?
I think Cass is playing an amazing game. At the moment though it just seems like people will get voted off based on who's the biggest threat each tribal. So whoever is 4th "best" right now will probably win. I could see Andrea, Cass and Rudy being the next three boots.
- Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:19:47 pm
I can't believe this is the final seven. Specifically, how did Andrea make it this far again? I mean, she's a notoriously sensitive gamebot playing with a group of people with complete opposite viewpoints as her own. I just don't get it.
Still, I don't see a way she could win at this point. I think, like Penner mentioned, it will be a lot of the 'big threats' going soon (if you could really call anyone left a threat). However, I'd bet good money on either a Yul or Sarah win. Cass is too dangerous, Rudy is too much of a nonentity, and the other three -as far as I can tell without reading confessionals- are despised by the jury and stand no chance of winning unless they're the final three (in which case I predict an Ozzy win).
Nevertheless, I'm not too happy with the way this season is going. I think Poods did a fantastic job casting it (I can't believe who's in this chat with me!) and has done a great job at hosting it; so it sucks that it fell through like this. If only the people reading this right now weren't in a position to read this right now...
Still, I don't see a way she could win at this point. I think, like Penner mentioned, it will be a lot of the 'big threats' going soon (if you could really call anyone left a threat). However, I'd bet good money on either a Yul or Sarah win. Cass is too dangerous, Rudy is too much of a nonentity, and the other three -as far as I can tell without reading confessionals- are despised by the jury and stand no chance of winning unless they're the final three (in which case I predict an Ozzy win).
Nevertheless, I'm not too happy with the way this season is going. I think Poods did a fantastic job casting it (I can't believe who's in this chat with me!) and has done a great job at hosting it; so it sucks that it fell through like this. If only the people reading this right now weren't in a position to read this right now...

- Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:50:57 pm
Andrea made it because she's the most agreeable person ever. She will just say yes to any plan and they all are dumb enough of returnees to let her get this far, but with Mia now on the jury, it'll bite her in the ass. I kind of hope she's so sensitive that she boardicides from Stranded after this? That'd be hilarious.
- Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:46:00 am
What DID you say yesterday
Cochran wrote:Poody what did I say yesterday????
Just saying.
What DID you say yesterday
- Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:54:03 am
Anyone concerned we're heading for a Sarah/ Rory / Yul F3?
- Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:03:45 pm
Makes sense. Yul looks to be the swing vote between Sarah/Rory and Cass/Ozzy. I'd rather go to the end with two people who seem to have been out of the loop than two who seem to have been in control the entire time.
Of course, even if one of Cass and Ozzy are cut, the other can still immunity their way to the end.
I can't see Rory or Sarah winning.
Of course, even if one of Cass and Ozzy are cut, the other can still immunity their way to the end.
I can't see Rory or Sarah winning.
- Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:27:17 am
Yeah if he's smart he'd go with Rory and Sarah, but I could potentially see a Sarah win out of that final three. Of course, I'd bet on Yul but even he hasn't played a spectacular game and there's always those that wouldn't want to give him a second win. However, it's pretty obvious now that Cass or Ozzy is an instant win (unless going up against each other which would probably be Cass) and Yul would most likely win against Rory/Sarah. Like I said, there's a slim chance that Sarah wins from that F3 but it's not all that likely