By Nate Gonzales
#7976 So after three idols being shown at the last tribal council and a major threat taken out of the game, do you think that the game is ready to get underway? What are you doing to try to ensure that you are there at Day 39 in front of a jury wanting to vote for you?
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By Rory
#8022 I dont understand this challenge. If I want to partake in INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY instead of the PUBLIC II, where the fuck do i post to distribute my coins? Sorry I'm old and dense and haven't gotten laid in like two weeks.
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By Rory
Nate Gonzales wrote:So after three idols being shown at the last tribal council and a major threat taken out of the game, do you think that the game is ready to get underway? What are you doing to try to ensure that you are there at Day 39 in front of a jury wanting to vote for you?

I think it's about to get real interesting. Unless of course, they all do an easy vote to take me out of the game.
For the first time in my ORG life, I still don't have a firm plan on how I'm going to navigate this. I've never been in this position before.. but looks like I survived three fucking tribals after the bloody mess prior to the merge. I might be doing something right.. i just don't know what it is.

Also, I've never not talked to a person in the merge like the current situation with Mia. It's odd. And Sarah too, to a lesser extent. They both hate me for some reason.
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By Jeff Probst
#8070 Honestly rory what the fuck are you doing? you could be playing this game so much better, I've seen you do it before. Now you're just accepting that you're a goat or something and that you can't win and telling everyone that? WTF... this is not the same person who pushed hard for scout to make the final 3 and almost won australia. This is not the guy who would fuck shit up just for lolz... Are we going to see that guy again or just some guy with low self esteem bumble fuck his way through this?
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By Rory
Jeff Probst wrote:Now you're just accepting that you're a goat or something and that you can't win and telling everyone that?

girl, it's a decoy. just like me wanting to quit earlier. LOL
I'm obviously doing something right to last the previous three rounds, just laying low and let the bigger targets take themselves out. I believe I've formed solid relationships with at least Rudy, Vytas, Andrea and Yul (in that order) - and yes those are my favorites - thought Yul may still have serious trust issues with me right now.

there's no point in me stirring shit up just for the lulz (I may have made a snafu by telling Lil/Andrea about Cass's shadiness), at least not at this point. If I would, I would throw a vote against Cass.. like for real. I really can't work with Sarah, Mia and to a lesser extent Lil (she's nice though). I do think I'm in the position that I want to be at the moment.

But why do I get the feeling i'm going to be blindsided this round?
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#8107 FWIW this is the first time im going into a merge without a single solid relationship. i have always been a numbers guy and this is all.. it's new to me. bear with me.
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By Rory
#8108 also.. did i do the challenge right?
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By Rory
#8114 thank you.

If it is indeed the majority going for Mia tonight, I know it can get very frustrating from the producer's POV. Everyone wants exciting and explosive tribals - you may get that soon. But now may not be the time (unless I get blindsided). I know the reason Poody HAAATTTEEESSSS India because it was a straight Pagonging - spearheaded by me - but do you know how difficult that was? Don't you remember brahmaPanic? There was so much going on behind the Pagonging. I don't want to just stir shit up and get voted out next. I've been threading on thin ice since Candice left the game.
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By Jeff Probst
Rory wrote:thank you.

If it is indeed the majority going for Mia tonight, I know it can get very frustrating from the producer's POV. Everyone wants exciting and explosive tribals - you may get that soon. But now may not be the time (unless I get blindsided). I know the reason Poody HAAATTTEEESSSS India because it was a straight Pagonging - spearheaded by me - but do you know how difficult that was? Don't you remember brahmaPanic? There was so much going on behind the Pagonging. I don't want to just stir shit up and get voted out next. I've been threading on thin ice since Candice left the game.

True, but you were one of the first ones, if not THE first one to go after the pagonging was complete in India. You're someone who likes to play with drama queens/kings. Who would you like to play with to have the most fun this season?
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By Rory
Jeff Probst wrote:
Rory wrote:thank you.

If it is indeed the majority going for Mia tonight, I know it can get very frustrating from the producer's POV. Everyone wants exciting and explosive tribals - you may get that soon. But now may not be the time (unless I get blindsided). I know the reason Poody HAAATTTEEESSSS India because it was a straight Pagonging - spearheaded by me - but do you know how difficult that was? Don't you remember brahmaPanic? There was so much going on behind the Pagonging. I don't want to just stir shit up and get voted out next. I've been threading on thin ice since Candice left the game.

True, but you were one of the first ones, if not THE first one to go after the pagonging was complete in India. You're someone who likes to play with drama queens/kings. Who would you like to play with to have the most fun this season?


Ok vytas.

No, Rudy.

I cant decide.
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By Rory
#8132 We are trying to go for a 4-3-3 vote in case Mia plays her idol (she will)
Cass/Ozzy/Yul/Andrea seems to be content about me taking the fall if the idol gets played. But whatever.
Hope I will still be in this.
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By Rory
#8133 and it was nice of Lil to have a final BB chat with me. I adore her.
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By Rory
#8222 there's a possibility this might be a Vytas blindside
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#8297 omg i was right LOL
i'm going to miss vytas a lot.
so Rudy next? since he's the one i'm closest to?
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