--10th Place--
By Nate Gonzales
#7259 So, that was certainly an eventful first merged tribal council. I’m not sure if that started on the rails, but it definitely fell off of them.

1. What are your thoughts on everything that happened at the first tribal council and people in the game’s reaction to them?

2. Last round the vote was pretty much unanimous, do you think the next vote is going to be this obvious or will a line be drawn in a sand this time round?
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By Vytas
#7276 1. these are my thoughts:

Vytas wrote:lol some people just love to be victims

why the fuck would they bring up the fact that they have those problems? wigles had no idea, nobody knew about their eating disorders. but let's tell the world about them, we need people on the internet to be here for us and tell us how awful it is


if they'd ignore the bulemic comment, you know how many offensive posts would follow? fuckin zero.

so please fuck off with your pain and how tribal ruined your nights because you wanted the attention there, you got it, but not in the way you were hoping.

2. not gonna be unanimous. no idea about the next vote. i don't have anything in mind. there are some amateurs who want to make a big move. great. it's still too early to play hard. if i like the target, i'll join the vote. if not, let the targets know it's coming for them.

longer update to come today. you knew everything that was about to happen at this tribal so i didn't feel the need to give you my thoughts
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By Vytas
#7348 the big update.

my position in the game is very good, but i'm not where i like to be
i'm good because i have a lot of alliances, and a lot of people trust me. nothing is changed here. people who don't trust each other really trust me. i'll go into details later.
why it's not where i like to be: well, i said before that i want to lay low and have a smaller target. my challenge result reminded everyone that i'm a huge threat. if they put the pieces together, they'll know i have a big chance of winning it. it's possible that they already know it, but want to keep me around as a shield. as for laying low? it worked and it didn't. people still come to me to ask what we should do. katie, fkn katie, PMd me to ask who to vote. are you kiddin me? if katie, the person who was here for 3 hours the whole weekend, knows that i'm the person to ask about the vote... everyone knows. i think more people see me as the guy who has the most information, not as the shot caller. that's the positive. closest survivor player to my current standing would be cirie. i'm not very good at that. not a style i like playing.

i still want to be in the middle and flip between alliances, but it's almost impossible to do it solo
and without burning bridges. the problem is not burning bridges, it is being the only one to burn them. everything would be easier with a partner, but i still don't have a number 2 who can play my way. andrea can't play in chaos, brenda is always looking for the easy and safe routes. lily can do it but she's not a player i want to be paired with, because of the number of people she's having feuds with. mia can, but she's not here enough for me to go all in with her. big cass or ozzy can, but i don't trust them enough.

there are a few small, tight alliances, but not a big one
me, andrea, brenda and mia is the biggest. and that's 4 in 12. and there should be a lot of talk about us, but there's not (maybe because me, brenda and andrea are so good socially?). it's not easy to have a big alliance because everyone has different plans. even people who are very close. i'll talk about my allies here. me and andrea are arguably the closest pair in the game, but andrea wants to work with rudy and i want him out. i want to work with sarah but she wants her out. another example, with me and brenda: she wants to work with big cass, but i'm not a big fan of that. i want to work wit sarah and lily, but she's not a big fan of that. just 2 examples here, but it's happening everywhere and that's why there is no big alliance forming.

it's still too early to make big moves, but i may be forced to do it.
not today, but maybe tomorrow? i'm the big threat, so why not embrace it and take control of the game. i don't want to stay quiet for too long and be blindsided. everyone is paranoid that they'll get voted out and will try to strike first. it's understandable. there are also the wildcards, the players who will look to build their resume and boot the best. but it brings me back to my problem of not having a right hand man/woman. i can't do that without someone next to me.

i don't know what will happen tomorrow
tonight it's probably one of katie/rory. things could always change though. but tomorrow? who the hell knows. a lot of scrambling, a lot of players trying to get in pole position for F11. it's a little chaotic, and it's funny that it gets chaotic while everyone is trying to keep things in check.

ranking allies
1. andrea - we have a ftc deal, we were close the entire game. i'm getting annoyed with her, because she's playing with her heart, not with her brain. i also have those concerns about her trying to follow just one line. however, she remains my #1. i am not letting an ally go because of a couple of worries to get some new ones and hope it'll be ok. always keep your allies and build on that, never go against them for promises.

2. brenda - because if there's someone who is a bigger threat than me, it's brenda. we need each other. we also trust each other. i have my worries about her too, and she was stubborn back at tianguan and it pissed me off, but now she's calmed down.

3. mia - i know i can trust her, she'd be a good goat, but if she's not here... how can she help me? i need allies, not voting doublers.

4. liliana - at least i want her to be here, not sure i can. i really want to work with her, but it's tough selling it to my main allies. i'm just trying to keep her as safe as possible and in the loop.

5. yul - would be higher if he wouldn't be stuck with rudy. i could predict his actions, but i can't predict rudy's.

6. rory - see my comments about mia. he's lower because he's seen as the easiest vote and can be eliminated at any point.

7. cassandra - i love her, but she's closer to brenda and ozzy, so i don't see myself working closely with big cass

8. sarah - see my comments about mia. she's a non entity in this game tbh.

9. ozzy - he's a big pain in the neck. i want to play with him, but as long as he's in the game, i am not sure how much i can trust cass or yul. he's between me and some possible allies.

10. rudy - unpredictable. liked by everyone but nobody knows where he stands. he's giving nothing and he's getting a lot. how can people trust him? andrea, wake the fuck up!!!

11. katie - expendable.

it's my best game in stranded. but not that entertaining
i warned you i'm gonna play this one to win. can't do my antics this time, sorry. i hope i'm not too boring. i had a few moments like getting rory to throw yul and rudy under the bus, everything with garrett. i know in my previous seasons you'd get 2 moments like that every episode icon_lol
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By Vytas
#7367 can i get a round of applause for being a brilliant motherfucker once again?

brenda is targeted by katie and lily. ozzy brought that up to me, and i told him that i heard HE is the one targeting brenda, so he's being set up to take the fall if it won't work. then i ask about katie's allies.

it's katie tonight. i expect her, sarah and lily to vote rory. i might send them some PMs 5 minutes before TC to say where the votes actually are, and maybe see some idols flushed. or played on katie, with rory as the boot.

and tomorrow? it can be ozzy, it can be katie if she survives tonight, it can be rory if he survives tonight... so many options
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By Vytas
Andrea wrote:allrighty so Sarah just messaged me "So wait, is the plan Rory or Katie? I'm hearing both."

so I said "I'm hearing both too. What are you thinking? My gut says Katie."

hahaha so we might even get Sarah onboard. Who knows. But at least we don't have to worry about leaving her in the dark?

WHAT THE FUCK????!!!!!!?!!??!?!?!?!??!!

great, we don't have to worry about leaving her in the dark, let's worry about them playing a fuckin idol.
andrea i swear if you keep doing this shit you're gonna be in the dark next time
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By Vytas
#7386 a short update on my first point from the earlier confessional
i didn't see it as a problem, but it can become one.

brenda is targeted again. that means she's still public enemy, and that's good. it also means that every vote she survives, she's credited for it. and that's not good, because i'm not seen as a strategic player. wigs mentioned brenda and mia last night. she was completely clueless, but she's the first juror and will set the tone for the ponderosa discussions. katie leaves tonight, and she also thinks it's brenda. i still want to lay low for a couple of rounds, but if i still don't get any credit i'll have to go balls to the walls in the 2nd part of the merge. i'm not becoming a goat, hell no. i'd rather go out swinging at F7 than be a goat.
and i'm one of the shot callers here. i put the pieces in motion for wigles and katie before brenda had any idea about it. people who are on the outs don't know that, and their perception will become reality. it's annoying, but there's nothing i can do to change it.
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By Vytas
#7449 fuck, i told yul and rudy that my voting comment is a song title and now i have to do it. i'd throw my vote at brenda tbh
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