- Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:58:50 pm
Hey Vytas. I hope McGregor wins.
using this scale, please let me know how involved you were in all the post-merge votes:
1 - clueless/blindsided
2 - knew about the vote, tried to stop it, failed
3 - followed the majority
4 - part of it, not the leading force
5 - spearheaded the vote
no explanations needed here
Wigles - 3
Katie - 3
Brenda - 1
Vytas - 4
Liliana - 4
Mia - 5
Rudy - 5
Andrea - 5
Ozzy - 1
Rory - N/A
who do you think every juror will vote for and why.
answers like "i don't know" or "not me" are banned. pick a name.
Wigles - Me. Honestly hard to predict, but I'm hoping that the fact I was up front with her and made some attempts at a relationship, she'll vote for me. But I don't know her opinions on Sarah or Cass.
Katie - Me. I did my best to stick with Katie until it was too late. I was honest with her and we came in with a good relationship. Plus, a lot of what I did this time was based on things she did the last time we played.
Brenda - Cassandra. She gave the idol to Cass, who successfully used it. That probably earned Brenda's respect.
Vytas - Me. Maybe I'm reaching here but I think I earned your respect. Could be just hoping against hope, but I think that I came out of the shadows where I needed to. You were one of the jurors who were agreeing with Mia during her last tribal, so I hope my moves after that showed you I'm here to win.
Liliana - Sarah. They are good friends and Sarah was loyal to her.
Mia - Cassandra. Mia didn't respect my game on her way out and she seems like she'll stubbornly continue to not respect it.
Rudy - Me. I believe he will respect my game, even when it interfered in our relationship.
Andrea - Cassandra. Toss-up, though. I would like to think I have a chance at her vote. From what I've heard, she and Cass had a real good relationship and Cass did try to save her.
Ozzy - Me. Again, hard to say because he had a strong relationship with Cassandra too. But I stayed loyal to him, had a long-standing alliance and we made some big moves together.
Rory - Me. Rory went out of this game saving my life and I can honestly say that despite some of my cold-hearted moves, I would have done the same for him if I was in the position. We were doing rocks either way.
please tell me one thing you like and one that you don't about every juror, based on your interactions with us in the game.
I can't tell if this is sabotage or trying to help me. But fuck it, I'm not gonna half-ass it.
Wigles - I didn't like that she was really bad at communicating. She had the opposite problem of Catalie, who wrote too damn much. I wish I had got to talk to Wigles on the IM system, because it suited her social style better. What I liked about her was her fight in this game. Not just her fight to stay in the final 13, but her drive in general. I know you mentioned to me she was super laid back on Tianguan 3.0, but when she was Shentu 1.0, she was super into it. Almost to a fault, on some challenges, but her motivation was great. It's a big reason she stayed over Rory and Catalie.
Katie - I didn't like that Katie was playing a lot colder this time. At least it felt that way. She was always a bit of a game-bot (that's why we got along), but this time especially she was all business and no play. But I did like that she still had my back. We were close at the beginning of the game and I feel like we finished out still just as close as ever.
Brenda - I didn't like that she gave Cass that idol. Come on Brenda, I thought we were buddies? You meanie.

What I did like is that despite the fact she had probably had no strategic benefit for it at the time, she still wanted to re-kindle our relationship. We got closer that last day then we did probably the entire season of Refuge. You ruined that, Vytas. You jerk.
Vytas - I don't like your 'persona.' Like, the asshole you pretend to be on the public boards. It's dumb. For some people that loud person is exactly who they are, but for you it's not. I wish you didn't act like that, because it feels kind of attention whorey. What I do like is who you were to me in private. The sports stat guy, the Game of Thrones lover, the frankly-scary strategist. You felt real to me when we were talking one on one. That dude is awesome. More of him, please.
Liliana - What I don't like about Liliana in this game is that she (like me) is a poor liar. I knew everytime she was bullshitting me, and it made it that much more difficult to bullshit her. I liked Liliana in general, but since I have to specify something, I'll say that I just loved her underdog spirit. Even though I felt awful that she was constantly on the negative side of votes (which really wasn't her fault), she had this fight in her that made me want to stick with her.
Mia - Didn't like how she left. She was a poor sport. She was in the minority and she felt like despite that, she knew everything going on and had to insult most people on her way out the door. On that same topic, she also put a target on Andrea by telling everyone she'd get a voting bloc together for whoever votes her out (by the way, I'm the only one in the finals who voted Andrea, Mia, so I'll take that voting bloc, thanks

). But on the flip side of that (and this is a little hypocritical, given what I just said), I really appreciate her honesty. Not just in that moment, because it did wake me up a bit to where I stood, but before that she was always blunt with me and I'm happy for that.
Rudy - I don't like that he referred to me as his 'knight.' He would pretend to me that he felt like we were equal partners but ever since that vote (Candice's), I always felt like he knew that people would think I was following him. It wasn't long after that vote that I secured Ozzy for me, over him. But what I do like (obviously) is that Rudy was fiercely loyal to me, even when I didn't deserve it. He was a good friend in general. He was my brother in this game.
Andrea - What I didn't like about Andrea is that I couldn't tell when she was being genuine and when she was being fake. Maybe she was always fake to me. Maybe I'm an asshole and she was always 100% with me. But I felt like everytime she was talking to me, I really had to figure out if she was talking to me because she wanted to, or if she was talking to me because she felt she needed to. But with all that said, I liked my talks with her probably more then anyone else (arguable with Rudy). We had some hilarious talks. Also we had some frankly deep talks as well. When Mia went rogue before she left and just blasted everyone (especially Andrea and I), we gave each other pep talks that I believe helped me get through the next round (which was Rudy's vote).
Ozzy - Honestly, I've sat here on this one for like five minutes trying to come up with something I don't like about Ozzy. Hm. Hm. I guess I don't like that I feel like he was super wishy washy. I mean, that's probably a positive for him that he gave himself options, but for me it was annoying that I had to constantly fight for his loyalty. What I did like was how animated he was. He's probably the funniest guy in the cast. His 'for revenge, basically' vote on Candice just super classic. You had to be there. It was awesome.
Rory - I didn't like his temper tantrums. It's funny because when we voted him out in Shentu (knowing it was a non-elimination round), we picked him because we thought he would understand it the most. But he was very bitter about it, and then the same happened when he was on the wrong side of the Candice vote (he was even mad at me, even though he voted for me!) But on the flip side, that emotion was JUST as strong in a positive light. He was super loyal. Super isn't even the word. He refused to vote for Penner. He went to rocks for me. I like that.