- Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:35:21 am
First of all, I love all three y'all and congrats on three fantastic games. So please, for the love of God, do not find an excuse to suck up to me in these questions or think I'm looking for anything that has to do with me or whatever. Y'all are all great and we're totally cool, so...I'm not fishing for anything except nice straightforward answers. Let's get to it!
1. Cass--So I think it's pretty obvious that if you hadn't had immunity tonight you would have been voted out. So congrats on that, first of all! But I'm really wondering if taking out Ozzy, and I guess to an extent me and Rudy, was the best call. Because I think you could have beaten any of us handily in the final 3 ANYWAY...AND Ozzy, at least, would have been a bigger target than you at final 4. So I'm wondering...did you just have more confidence in your ability to win challenges than to perform at FTC? I mean, you made it here, and that's fantastic, but I think by eliminating all the obvious threats--no offense to Yul and Sarah, I'm talking flash here more than substance necessarily--you put yourself in a vulnerable position that might not have been strategically your best call. So...convince me that this boot order was strategically your best call, and that relying on this final immunity win was really your best option. Because honestly...you could have finished this a lot stronger, and I would have respected your endgame a lot more if you'd come to the end with threats, and I would have voted the shit out of you. Now I'm not as sure, because it seems both like you took the easy way out, AND that you put yourself in a risky position where you had to win immunity because you were scared of the threats. So convince me otherwise? great
(Also just for a fun fact: it was me who voted against you in that first council, not Garrett! Was trying to win points with Lil since I knew she'd be coming back for revenge. So we're square :P)
2. Yul--I want you, even if you don't believe it in your heart, to tell me one thing that you did that NOBODY else in this game did, or at least one thing that you did better than EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON in this game. I want you tell it to me like the cocky, arrogant motherfucker I know you aren't. Cosplay as Vytas to me for a minute and tell me one thing you did that was amazing that nobody else did. Make one up if you have to, just REALLY sell it to me.
3. Sarah--coming into this game you were one of the few people I knew and I was really hoping we'd get to work together. And I understand that you were in a rough position throughout this game and that that was really demoralizing for you, and I love your speech about how you had to learn to rely on yourself as all your friends got booted. I can't imagine how hard that must have been, so serious kudos. But...the truth is, from the minute we were together in this game, it was rough talking to you. I felt like a lot of our conversations had a really negative energy to them, where you would be coming to me telling me that so-and-so was being aggressive towards you, or telling me how upset you were about Loaded Questions. I mean, you complained to me about the way Rudy was talking to me when you knew we were voting him out in an hour! Who cares how he's talking to you? And what did you expect me to do about it?
It made it difficult to work with you because it felt really energy-sapping to try to work around all that negativity. So I'm wondering if you can tell me strategically how the way you communicated with people in this game helped you get to where you are...or, if you want to just straight-up say that it didn't, how you would go back and change things if you could. Also, Look What You Made Me Do is amazing.
Sorry if any of these came across as harsh--I really do adore the shit out of all three of you, and again, HUGE congratulations on making it here.