By Jeff Probst
#10059 Cassandra, Sarah and Yul. You three have come as far as you can on your own. The power now shifts from the three of you to the people you had a hand in voting out.

I will now turn over to Brenda. Brenda, you have until Saturday at 11:59pm c/12:59am e to address the final 3 and ask them for as much information as you need to cast your vote. They will then have until 9:00c/10:00e on Sunday to answer anything you have asked.

The floor is yours!
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By Brenda
#10124 Heyo you three, I will keep this as light relief from the HEAVY STRATEGY elsewhere. I just want to know what the most fun part of the game was for you.

Please don't answer with something super airy-fairy and vague like "ooh, just talking to people" - I want something specific, one particular scramble or moment or even comment. Don't be afraid to be a little mean either, I'm still laughing at Ashley volunteering lol. And at me missing that idol window and all icon_lol But this is about you. Just tell me what one thing would top your personal funtimes ranking for the game so I can remember that we're not actually playing for a mill, and that you guys are more than just gamebot, gamebot, also here.

And strategy can be fun too if thats your thing. Make it sound fun though.
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By Sarah
#10139 I had fun voting off Cochran. It just felt like sweet vengeance for all the shit he put me through in the two weeks up to that point. He stressed me out constantly so I was SO FUCKING HAPPY to finally be done with that mess. He's a great friend but not as great of an ally. Also, you're all fucking welcome. That to me was my greatest revenge to that point because I just didn't have fun at all BECAUSE he wouldn't let me relax. That TC was a blast because it was the only time I really got to slip back into character and PERFORM at TC, Cochran and I called each other out. He claimed to have an idol. I yelled at him a bunch. I warned him that he needed to play said idol. It was just an all around shitshow and the only real call-back to Old Sarah for me.

Also I really wanted to say this was being here was the most fun I've had. But I'll spare you that.
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