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Ongoing Game Discussion

Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:48:07 am
by Jeff Probst
goes here.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:08:06 am
by Katie
Who I want to win: Ozzy, Yul, Rory
Who I'll never vote for: Andrea, Liliana, Sarah, Brenda
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:41:33 am
by Wigles
Andrea was cool her previous season but her alliance this season sucks. I can't wait to see Brenda booted right before the finals again.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:49:10 am
by Brenda
Wigles wrote:Andrea was cool her previous season but her alliance this season sucks. I can't wait to see Brenda booted right before the finals again.
Pfft these all-stars won't allow that :P
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:00:09 am
by Brenda
Whatever happened you Kelly, you were nice. And then you went cloud cuckoo.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:00:52 am
by Wigles
Woah, what are you doing here?
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:01:20 am
by Wigles
Brenda wrote:Whatever happened you Kelly, you were nice. And then you went cloud cuckoo.
I was in a dark place when we got swapped over. Sorry about that.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:13:32 am
by Brenda
Wigles wrote:Woah, what are you doing here?
Same thing as you two I guess, made the mistake of being the one pushing the name train.

Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:00:39 pm
by Wigles
Brenda wrote:Wigles wrote:Woah, what are you doing here?
Same thing as you two I guess, made the mistake of being the one pushing the name train. 
Ugh, I was serious about wanting to work with you but when Courtney got voted off and it seemed like you didn't really want to commit on anything, I lost all hope.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:26:12 am
by Katie
Brenda, so what was the "core" alliance or what do you think it is now? It seems like it's still together since Liliana would have gone.
Also, Wigles started the pre-game alliance rumor, NOT ME

Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:19:05 am
by Brenda
Ehhh, last night confused me. I pushed the Lily thing hard, Vytas and Mia weren't really down, and I guess they did something about it. So idk any more. I was pretty open to working with anyone, but there were a few I wanted to work with more.
No real clue who leaves next. Depends on the fallout from last night very much. Rooting for Cass, Andrea, Yul I think? Ozzy's cool too. I don't hate anyone else, just these would be my preferences to see at the end.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:21:29 am
by Brenda
We can post emotes at TC right? I forget if that is a thing here.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:48:57 am
by Jeff Probst
Brenda wrote:We can post emotes at TC right? I forget if that is a thing here.
Yes boo.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:55:28 am
by Vytas
Brenda wrote:Ehhh, last night confused me. I pushed the Lily thing hard, Vytas and Mia weren't really down, and I guess they did something about it. So idk any more. I was pretty open to working with anyone, but there were a few I wanted to work with more.
No real clue who leaves next. Depends on the fallout from last night very much. Rooting for Cass, Andrea, Yul I think? Ozzy's cool too. I don't hate anyone else, just these would be my preferences to see at the end.
i was down to vote anyone but lily. i thought sarah was a good alternative but you wouldn't have it.
i knew about their idols, told them where the votes are going. mia found out about it ~20 minutes before tc and she tried to get 3 people to vote rory and tie it. didn't work for her.
why you? you controlled pretty much everything and i had deals ready to go that were not happening with you still in the game
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:14:10 am
by Vytas
vytas and rory voted sarah
lily and mia voted rory
sarah voted yul
everyone else vytas
mia knew about the vote but voted rory anyway
sarah changed during tribal
i was finished when i made the F4 deals with both yul/rudy and ozzy/cass? and andrea sided with them, maybe even started it.
will find out tomorrow. or later, if they get rid of some goats
rooting for andrea, lily and rory.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:48:55 am
by Vytas
here's my perspective on the game, correct me where i'm wrong, feel free to add anything
tonight's vote
i expected a 7-3 vote, with mia leaving and rory getting them from mia, sarah and tiger lily. i wanted mia out because i knew she wasn't on my side anymore after voting brenda, and she was gonna try to get me out sooner or later. it became 4-3-3 (in my mind) when mia got the public idol. i didn't want rory to go home so i was gonna vote sarah. told him to do it too. the 3rd vote that i expected to be there was rudy's, we talked about keeping rory in the game to use his vote against ozzy and cass. that happened a few minutes before TC, i thought later that it's a mistake and i should've asked andrea to vote sarah instead. that's what made me a little nervous during the vote, i thought it's possible that rudy would flip. i also knew that 4 votes were enough for me to join you. didn't expect to be eliminated, but wasn't very confident.
aftermath of brenda's elimination
i expected some backlash, but i counted on 2 things:
1. with the big number of threatening players, they wouldn't go after the biggest one immediately after brenda. i expected them to vote another weaker player, because 2 big threats in a row could start the avalanche. tomorrow, i expected to be on the chopping block. not tonight
2. any move against me needed andrea. me and her were the link between most alliances. the game was setting up to be dominated by 3 pairs - ozzy/cass, rudy/yul, me/andrea. in my mind, it didn't make any sense for andrea to get rid of me so early and be alone in the lion's den. she knew i wasn't gonna turn on her, and she could vote me out anytime, but doing it so early isn't the best move. it can pay off, but it's a big risk and i didn't see her taking it.
power players
ozzy is playing the best game imo, but i think he's the biggest threat now. rudy is doing great too, and he has a vote doubler in yul.
big cass is great but i see her joining us in 1, maybe 2 rounds. unless she has an idol. the ozzy/cass pair is scary, and cass is playing with fire more often than ozzy. people are noticing that.
andrea, idk. she's great socially but until tonight showed nothing strategic. if she can make it to the end solo, i'll be super impressed. she can be a good free agent, can also be brutally outplayed by the better strategists. still love her.
mia, eh. her status in the game depends on how involved she is tonight. she was close to being a goat until now, but if she steps up she may be good. she's also on her own i'd say. but knows what she's doing.
not winning
yul. i enjoyed talking to him, but i heard it from a few players that he's not PMing them at all. so he's not that good socially. he's clearly rudy's #2, doesn't have a killer instinct. he'll do whatever rudy wants him to do, imo.
tiger lily. i fuckin love her, but she's been voted out 5 times and more often than not she's totally on the outs at tribal. look at what happened tonight - i told her to vote rory but was planning on mia, the others told her the same but actually voted me. she's considered a wildcard by almost everyone
rory and sarah are also at the bottom and don't know what's happening, and they're not as fun as lily.
who i'd vote for
tiger lily is my first option. most entertaining player in the game. love her, love her, love her.
andrea is 2nd. i hope her move works for her and makes it to the end with a chance to win it.
rory is 3rd, because he was so loyal to me. at least made me think he is. if he lied to me, he did a good job.
ozzy-cass-rudy are the next 3, no particular order. depends on what they do next week. any of them can become #1 on my preference list
who i won't vote for
yul. fun to talk to him but his gameplay is non-existent. i know rory is #3 and yul is here, but rory was never given options. yul had plenty of opportunities to do something, did nothing.
sarah. almost inactive, clueless.
mia. VERY annoying.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:28:52 pm
by Brenda
I can't see my self voting for Sarah in any endgame either icon_shrug Any of the rest at least still have the chance to earn it between now and then. Lily or Mia have a way to go on that front, but it's possible. Mia does some things right like, I gotta agree with her last comment at TC there that it's very hard to see how me out of the game is better for you this round, than me still in it. I was close enough with you that you knew exactly what I was doing with everyone
I woke up today with absolutely nothing to do. It's fantastic.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:01:13 pm
by Vytas
i can finally go out and not be the first to leave.
how involved was mia in the game until yesterday? m.i.a. all day, log in 2 hours before tc and cry because she wasn't involved in the decision making process.
dealing with that for 3 weeks wasn't my favorite thing.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:19:41 am
by Brenda
Yah, had she been around that day, might have been a different story. Instead we all had to build around her reactions instead of actual flow and ebb of strategy. No flow and ebb to that icon_shrug Can't be helped though, gotta be able to handle even that type of player, and we didn't.
Re: Ongoing Game Discussion

Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:14:35 am
by Wigles
Vytas wrote:i can finally go out and not be the first to leave.
how involved was mia in the game until yesterday? m.i.a. all day, log in 2 hours before tc and cry because she wasn't involved in the decision making process.
dealing with that for 3 weeks wasn't my favorite thing.
that's one thing that pissed me off so much, like she had the gall to complain about inactives when she herself was barely there.