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Episode 13

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:25:51 am
by Nate Gonzales
So after three idols being shown at the last tribal council and a major threat taken out of the game, do you think that the game is ready to get underway? What are you doing to try to ensure that you are there at Day 39 in front of a jury wanting to vote for you?

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:35:35 am
by Vytas
i'm taking credit for everything that happened tonight.
as i should.
i knew about their idols. i had the opportunity to vote anyone out. but, as mia said, "i have a new strategy and it's called taking over the game"

y'all know i can't lay low more than 2 rounds or i lose my mind.

how will i make it to the end? who the fuck knows. i don't have a plan. i have to take it round by round and find other bitches to boot.

mia sealed her faith tonight. she's next to go. you don't pull that type of stunts with me.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:48:50 am
by Vytas
mia thinks she's safe but fuck off bitch, i do not forgive, i do not forget. you may survive one round, but you're gonna get right back near brenda, since you love her so much.

anyway, as you can see, i'm mad at her icon_laughing

i ranted about her being a rat for one hour in pms and chats. and let her know that i don't appreciate that bs too.


my favorite in pms: i'm done with her. fuckin done. we can vote her out tomorrow and i'll dance on her fuckin grave. she was gonna screw us all because she liked resting her head in brenda's ass.

so it's gonna be one of mia/lily/sarah tomorrow. you read it here first

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:18:34 am
by Vytas
sarah completed her transition to insanity and i love it so much

i feel bad that i have to vote her out tomorrow because she's so funny. laughed all day thanks to her

anyway, here's the story of sarah trying to break up the majority alliance and being stopped by mia's huge ego

the vote is gonna be mia 7, rory 3. my call again. sarah, mia and tiger lily are the 3 on the outs.
the girls think everyone is voting rory. mia being obsessed with him, you understand. but i'm not letting my guard go.

anyway, it's wednesday morning and sarah has a plan. she wants to break the super strong alliance of yul, rudy, ozzy and cass. yul must go home.
excellent idea, right? it would be if that alliance actually existed.
so she approaches lily with it. how do you feel about it, lily? [Liliana] i like yul so im not too enthusiastic about voting for him
tiger lily rejects her in a gentle way, saying she's not sure we can have the votes, but she'll do it if the numbers are here.
sarah also approaches andrea, who does the same thing.
then tells me about it, her savior, and... guess what? i'm giving her the same 'we don't have the numbers' lie. but i do a little more... i tell her it's better to wait for mia, because we can make it happen with her. i know how mia has eyes only for rory, so that is not happening.
[Vytas] and can we predict what mia's gonna do? i assume she will show up again 30 minutes before tribal and be obnoxious about it, be mad because "she's not included"
(these are IM quotes btw)
meanwhile, i laugh about this plan with andrea and tiger lily. we even resurrect our group PM to talk about it.

[Liliana] she wants to break up rudy/yul/cass/ozzy
[Liliana] is that even an alliance
[Vytas] in sarah's head it is
[Liliana] lol exactly

now lily is convinced that sarah's crazy. (spoiler: she is). andrea is also shocked that someone is so out of touch with the game.

hours later, mia shows up (of course hours later)
and sarah talks to mia. and mia tells her to stay with rory, as we all expect.

[Sarah] Mia doesn't like the idea of flushing the idols
[Sarah] i hate her
[Sarah] let's vote her off
[Sarah] fuck it
[Sarah] i'm over it
[Sarah] she ruins fucking everything
[Vytas] lol
[Vytas] ... what?
[Sarah] i hate her
[Sarah] she's horrible
[Vytas] stop fuckin around
[Sarah] she doesn't like the idea of getting the idols played
[Sarah] she wants us to vote ozzy out when he doesn't expect it
[Sarah] so cass gets the idol
[Vytas] that doesnt make any sense
[Sarah] exactly
[Sarah] she's a fucking idiot
[Vytas] i mean she is but we can't vote her out
[Vytas] we need her
[Sarah] i know we can't
[Sarah] she's just frustrating me to fucking death
[Vytas] i had to deal with her shit this whole game
[Vytas] you think i don't know how it is?
[Vytas] she was giving me shit this morning because we didn't ask for her opinion
[Vytas] we have to put up with her shit
[Vytas] a couple more rounds
[Vytas] i'd vote her, you know i'm tired of her bs, but we gotta think about the future. if we lose her now i'm not sure we can keep control of the game
[Sarah] i didn't seriously want to vote her off for the record
[Sarah] i just fucking hate her ego
[Sarah] btw she tried to blame her reluctance on you
[Sarah] because you "have plans with everyone"

i think she had the exact same chat with andrea. and i'm waiting for lily to come back because i think it's a three-peat
in any other season, i'd do my best to keep sarah in the game. too bad i wanna win this time :(


[Andrea] so
[Andrea] big question
[Andrea] cass gets to be big cass
[Andrea] lil is tiger lily
[Andrea] am i just andrea?
[Vytas] you're andrea baskauskas in my confessional
[Andrea] HAHAHA
[Andrea] that's incredible
[Vytas] (it's also a lie)
[Vytas] you're just andrea
[Andrea] well go write a confessional that calls me that right now
[Vytas] ok will do that

so she's Andrea Baskauskas from now on.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:01:42 am
by Vytas
nervous. 3 votes on me and i'm gone.

Re: Episode 13

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:09:30 am
by Vytas

i think i made a mistake. 4 votes on mia. 3 on rory. 3 on sarah... me, rory and rudy.
i'm not sure about rudy. would've been better with me and andrea voting with rory. if rudy doesn't follow through, it all goes to shit

and i also am fuckin nervous that i'll get 3 votes and get murdered on the re-vote