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Episode 12

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:08:39 am
by Jeff Probst
With the last two boots being near unanimous, do you think that trend will continue or will moves be made and alliances clash?

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:13:28 am
by Vytas
i'm making moves this round. pay attention. i'll be in a lot of 4/5-person alliances. i'm taking back control. spent 2 rounds on the bench and was going crazy.

andrea/mia/sarah/lily on one side
brenda/cass/ozzy (/andrea?) on another
andrea/yul/rudy too, but i don't care about them
rory is my man.

it's all coming together.

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:09:54 am
by Vytas
please vote me out because i can't deal with this anymore. NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN, FOR FUCKS SAKE

Andrea wrote:I know that me playing with my heart annoys you, and it annoys me too sometimes...but it's got its uses too. Ozzy watched my season and likes me from my season. Cass like, talks to me about issues with her dad. These are people who don't want to work with me 'cause they're desperate, they want to work with me because they feel bonded with me. And you and me are a package deal, we know that.

I know the emotional thing can look like a weakness but honestly...I can use it like a weapon. I can make people just feel too goddamn bad to vote me off. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it here but they're proving to be ridiculously emotional players. They think they're all cold and calculating but like...look at what they're actually doing. We convinced them all that voting out Katie instead of Brenda was in their best interests tonight. That was ridiculous!

i'm showing her the clear path to go to FTC and she's worried about ozzy's fuckin dad and sarah's dick eating disorder.

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:02:34 am
by Vytas
we had 2 almost unanimous votes. why? because i didn't want to step up

you know what to expect this round? a 6-5 vote.
tomorrow? hell, maybe rocks

vytas is coming is the new winter is coming.

i have my alliances everywhere, i talked some sense into andrea, everything is going well.
i even let andrea choose the target to make her more comfortable.

me, andrea, mia, tiger lily, sarah and brenda are voting yul.
the other 5 are voting mia.

and then? it's a showdown. brenda vs mia. vytas is making his moves and he's not on anyone's radar.

5 days of laying low are too much for me to handle. i'm not doing that again. it's my final game. guns blazing to the end. and i'll get my fuckin crown on day 39. believe that.

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:47:46 pm
by Vytas
everyone is so gunshy and it pisses me off. show some fuckin balls, you're legends, let's blow this game up.

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:08:27 pm
by Vytas
i wanna rule the army of sheep but i can't trust them to go one fuckin hour without making a mistake.

i may just say fuck it and boot sarah because she's useless.

but now i'm pitting yul and rudy against big cass. and hopefully, by doing that i'm also getting them away from ozzy.

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:03:44 am
by Vytas
i tried my fuckin best to make something happen and... nothing.
they all talk to me about making those moves, but they don't want to make them tonight.
only chance is if mia wants to flip the game upside down. nobody else will.
i hope sarah is telling the truth and she has an idol because i'd love to see some bitches idoled out tonight

here's a gift for everyone still in this game:


Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:19:44 am
by Vytas
at least one idol played tonight. brenda going home.

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:46:32 am
by Vytas

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:47:40 am
by Stephanie

Re: Episode 12

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:48:18 am
by Vytas
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