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Episode 11

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:59:25 am
by Nate Gonzales
So, that was certainly an eventful first merged tribal council. I’m not sure if that started on the rails, but it definitely fell off of them.

1. What are your thoughts on everything that happened at the first tribal council and people in the game’s reaction to them?

2. Last round the vote was pretty much unanimous, do you think the next vote is going to be this obvious or will a line be drawn in a sand this time round?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:58:03 am
by Ozzy
So, that was certainly an eventful first merged tribal council. I’m not sure if that started on the rails, but it definitely fell off of them.
I love Wigles, but goddamn that went way far off what I was expecting.

What are your thoughts on everything that happened at the first tribal council and people in the game’s reaction to them?
I'm not surprised by anything, people were upset and they have they're own right to be. It did get mildly personal. We're playing a game here so there's no need to attack little things like that. It's just funny how much Sarah and Lil are throwing around the "deserved" word in their arguments. It's a game... nobody deserves to be here.

Last round the vote was pretty much unanimous, do you think the next vote is going to be this obvious or will a line be drawn in a sand this time round?
Not sure. Katie wants to make a move. Sounds like Yul does too. Vytas threw out Rory's name to me and that honestly sounds appealing. He's a middle man that leans toward their side, so take him out we have a stronger group, but we're still 5v6 at that point. And this whole "Let's get Lil on our side, she knows she's on the bottom" argument is useless because she's leaving her 6 for our 5/6 and that doesn't help her position. Plus who over here gets along with Lil?? I probably do the most and I don't think it's a good sell for her.

I don't want to end up like Spencer last season and wait too long before making a move, because then the move is made on you. But move too soon and you're out in the open for too long and chances of getting to the end are diminished.

I feel really good with Brenda and I know I shouldn't. Same with Vytas. And Andrea. I want Sarah and Mia gone of that side of things. Even Rory is nice, and everyone knows he's not winning so maybe he's a goat. I don't know. I'll sleep on it and put in some legwork.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:59:21 am
by Ozzy
Haven't found the city of sunshine? Well, that's alright
On the shores of the Yellow Sea did revenge once take flight
A story so legendary, she was a female first
Thread your way to immunity and in safety you will be immersed

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 6:33:08 am
by Ozzy
Haven't found the city of sunshine? Well, that's alright
is sunshine not important as a place? maybe yellow was correct based on the next line and sunshine was misleading

On the shores of the Yellow Sea did revenge once take flight
yellow sea and yellow river... revenge by planes or birds

A story so legendary, she was a female first
assuming this person was female and then became male? pretended to be male? like Mulan. and it's a legend of sorts.

Thread your way to immunity and in safety you will be immersed
this fucking thread line is killing me because it points back to the weaving girl, maybe a weaving girl that became a chinese flight warrior?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:43:24 pm
by Ozzy
Getting some thoughts out here.

Katie, Rudy, Yul, Cass, myself, Rory, Lil? (voting Mia)

Brenda, Vytas, Andrea, Mia, Sarah (voting Katie)

Does Lil vote Mia? Maybe. Does Sarah use an idol on Mia? No.

Maybe it is better to vote Mia. That seems weird. We'd be down to 11... me, cass, vytas, andrea, brenda, rory can vote together? I don't know what next round looks like. If everyone is actually voting Mia, I have to vote Mia and fill in Brenda/Vytas/Andrea last minute. Worst case scenario they idol out Katie.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:36:46 am
by Ozzy
Things change so quickly. I fully expect Katie to go home this round. Thank god for Cass for helping take the heat for backing out lol. Hopefully Rudy and Yul are still with me here.

Also for future use if I need it...
