- Tue Aug 22, 2017 5:20:56 am
Okay so I'm actually pretty pleased right now but I feel like it's a sleeping beauty dream that's going to come crashing down because of a dragon or some shit. UGH ALSO STILL NOT OVER GAME OF THRONES Y'ALL.
So next move for ME would be to eliminate Sarah (or Rory but nobody seems to want to do that). In my little chain of winner chances...
Andrea > Cass > Ozzy > Yul > Rory > Sarah
I cannot get rid of Andrea or Cass this round. Yul is toying with the idea and Cass is toying with the idea and I just don't think that's a good idea. Not only do I think Andrea does have some part of her that wants Cass and me in the finals with her, but with her gone Cass and I are just sitting fucking ducks unless we win immunity. And I don't like that game, I'd rather not rely on immunity here.
So by eliminating Sarah (or Rory but again, not happening I guess) I can keep two threats above me in the food chain. And I want Cass to gun after Andrea that next round so I can pull Andrea in to take her out. And then have Andrea be F4 r.obbed g.oddess. Leaving me with Yul and Rory, totally cool with that.
BUT if Cass can get her way, and I know she's good at that, then Andrea would leave this round. I THINK I could rely on Yul but it puts me more in the passenger seat than the driver seat. Plus Yul could just cut me at F4 anyway to get revenge on me pushing Rudy so hard.
Anyway, those are my thoughts for now. I'm sure I'll have more.
Okay so I'm actually pretty pleased right now but I feel like it's a sleeping beauty dream that's going to come crashing down because of a dragon or some shit. UGH ALSO STILL NOT OVER GAME OF THRONES Y'ALL.
So next move for ME would be to eliminate Sarah (or Rory but nobody seems to want to do that). In my little chain of winner chances...
Andrea > Cass > Ozzy > Yul > Rory > Sarah
I cannot get rid of Andrea or Cass this round. Yul is toying with the idea and Cass is toying with the idea and I just don't think that's a good idea. Not only do I think Andrea does have some part of her that wants Cass and me in the finals with her, but with her gone Cass and I are just sitting fucking ducks unless we win immunity. And I don't like that game, I'd rather not rely on immunity here.
So by eliminating Sarah (or Rory but again, not happening I guess) I can keep two threats above me in the food chain. And I want Cass to gun after Andrea that next round so I can pull Andrea in to take her out. And then have Andrea be F4 r.obbed g.oddess. Leaving me with Yul and Rory, totally cool with that.
BUT if Cass can get her way, and I know she's good at that, then Andrea would leave this round. I THINK I could rely on Yul but it puts me more in the passenger seat than the driver seat. Plus Yul could just cut me at F4 anyway to get revenge on me pushing Rudy so hard.
Anyway, those are my thoughts for now. I'm sure I'll have more.