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Game Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:43:12 am
by Sophie
THANK GOD BAI QI JUST LOST. Jesus I'll be happy with any of those pathetic tight asses leaving.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:43:38 am
by Sophie
Especially Candice, what an abortion of a human being.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:41:39 am
by Courtney
Rory apparently did not vote and Penner went in a 3-1-1 vote.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:16:21 am
by Stephanie
Winner's club slaughter </3 Does that make Cochran the only one left?

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:38:42 am
by Tammy
Penner icon_cry I was rooting for him and Ozzy.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:01:21 am
by Sophie
Maybe I'm crazy but Rory could be the swing in between Rudy/Yul and Candice/Ozzy? Let's pray he sticks with the oldies and not the trash.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:15:45 am
by Courtney
I think Ozzy goes tonight. Candice sides with Rudy/Yul and Rory is twisting in the wind. It won't take much for them to find out he was wishy washy and didn't vote last round. Just my guess.

Also, Blue riding high, other tribes going to 4, cracks me up. The Bad Qi nickname makes me laugh too.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:24:18 am
by Courtney
So, it looks like Sarah has teamed up with the Ash/Lil duo, cutting bait from Cochran, who can not be trusted at all based on his prior actions this season. Makes sense.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:24:45 am
by Sophie
Courtney I wish we got to play together. We were never going to last with these cheery annoyances.

And yeah, Bad Qi literally is a satanic shithole. Nothing good happens there, and Candice having been there the entire time proves that.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:28:34 am
by Courtney
Yeah, I wish you got a chance together, too Sophie. icon_wub

Looks like Cochran is learning a lesson in humility tonight, which I think is a good attitude to have in this games, whether you're winning or losing.

I am loving the Sarah redemption arch.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:30:33 am
by Sophie
I was mildly rooting for Cochran until it became him vs. Sarah. I fucking love Sarah, and Cochran saying "he doesn't do loser lounge" made me want him to come to the loser lounge lmao.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:34:10 am
by Courtney
Sophie wrote:I was mildly rooting for Cochran until it became him vs. Sarah. I fucking love Sarah, and Cochran saying "he doesn't do loser lounge" made me want him to come to the loser lounge lmao.

He's a legend in his own mind.

There's nothing wrong with admitting you lost and getting your torch snuffed and showing up in this forum, saying hey to people, and licking your wounds. I did it a couple rounds again. Come on. Only one person is going to win this thing.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:38:46 am
by Courtney
I came up with the " rat-weasel hybrid" knock on Cochran. So happy Katie used it. icon_wub icon_yahoo icon_lol

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:58:29 am
by Cochran
Courtney wrote:I came up with the " rat-weasel hybrid" knock on Cochran. So happy Katie used it. icon_wub icon_yahoo icon_lol

I love it icon_laughing

No I know I'm not perfect and the chance of me winning wasn't set in stone or anything, I was more just having fun. Knew I was gone when Sarah tipped me off. It wasn't me vs her Sophie, I really loved her in this but she flipped out at me for leaving and I was going to boot her but had to backpedal. I for some reason felt like lying about it when I should have just been honest but I never make sense in game and hindsight is 20/20

Also fuck OFF steph for jynxing me

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:02:14 am
by Cochran
While we're chilling though where is catalie?

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:02:37 am
by Cochran
Or nay nay?

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:06:44 am
by Courtney
Cat was VERY sore with us old schoolers for stringing her along and probably will never show up in this forum again.

Too bad, I actually liked her. And frankly, it wasn't me leading the charge, it was Rudy.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:37:03 am
by Sophie
Well yeah, because Cat should not have been eliminated then lol. Like, her being eliminated there proves what a trashpit of a season this has been so far. I'm not saying it won't be good in the merge since I'm sure it'll be ~entertaining~ but Cat not being around 9 hours a day like basically everyone else was (sans rory) likely did her in. The problem with this season is that the heaps that can spend 9 hours a day here are not deemed as being here too much and instead are seen as being here a "normal amount of time" which is not the case.

If someone is busy and sends large, encompassing PMs a few times a day, that shouldn't be deemed as inactive and yet that's what many idiots called her.

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:31:26 am
by Penner
Tammy wrote:Penner icon_cry I was rooting for him and Ozzy.


We never got to meet!

Re: Game Discussion

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:44:05 pm
by Stephanie
Seriously wtf is with all the winners getting slaughtered right off the bat? Didn't this happen in some other All Stars as well, the first Refuge I think?

Sorry for the jinx, Cochran icon_cry If it's any consolation you've won, being a losing finalist, a juror and a pre-juror, so it's like completing the box set icon_ha