Shit Post
By Liliana
#3862 Hi. My name is Lili-- i mean, Garrett. Welcome to our first meeting. This is a place for support and caring, and it's an open forum where we can share our stories of Wigles bullying, whether to your face or behind your back. Personally, I'm feeling so threatened by her presence I had to adopt a false guise just so our little group could convene.

My validility as a player and a contestant in this game was recently called into question by this woman. We were calmly discussing a woman named Ashley who I have no relation to, when out of nowhere she told me I did not deserve to be here and I'm not one of the greats. It was something like this:
Wigles wrote:You didn't really think you were supposed to be cast here were you? Who do you think had to convince people that you're one of the greats?

Her biting words have made me consider leaving this game, and I am currently locked in an internal struggle, ever wondering: does some random Mexican woman believe that I am a memorable character in an online game? I just need some time off to consider my life choices.
I will now pass the torch to any other victims who would like to share their stories.
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By Brenda
#3867 Well now I feel less bad about my words being twisted in a misfire of a character assassination attempt. At least I'm not being singled out.

But someone I'd been having real nice convos with, all of last week too. Is this what merge does to people?

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By Mia

This pussy is THROBBING.
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By Vytas
#3901 Lily, we need you to answer that question. Who do you think had to convince people that you're one of the greats?
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