By Jeff Probst
#32 Welcome everyone to Stranded for Revenge,

You have all been hand picked as the best players across 10 years to compete in this ultimate showdown. I want to personally thank you for participating in this with me as it is a very special season to me.

So without wasting any time... By this time tomorrow night (6:00:00c/7:00:00e) 4 of you will be voted out.

2 from each of the starting tribes:

Shentu, which will consist of players from Stranded seasons 1 – 17. Brenda, Catalie, Courtney, Katie, Mia, Naonka, Rory, Rudy, Tammy, Teresa, Wigles and Yul


Bai Qi, which will consist of players from Stranded seasons 19 – 29. Andrea, Ashley, Candice, Cassandra, Cochran, Garrett, Liliana, Ozzy, Penner, Sarah, Sophie and Vytas.

You have 24 hours to submit your votes for the 2 players you would like to see voted out of your respective tribes.

The new instant chat system is coming in a bit, it is being glitchy, but for now please feel free to use the Private Message system that you all should be used to from previous seasons.

Oh! One more thing to keep in mind: The theme of the season is Revenge... Keep that in mind as Karma will play a big part in the season.

Good luck,
And Game on!
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Jeff Probst

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By Andrea
Cochran wrote:Oh my god I'm gorgeous.

you're not wrong. how do you like my blank expanse of nothingness, though?
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By Ashley
Cochran wrote:
Ashley i cute


Stop being jealous! !!
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By Andrea
#49 I can't figure out how to send a message 'cause we didn't really do that on my if anyone feels like sending me a message I'd be very grateful. I promise I'm nice to talk to.
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