Day 29 - Final Immunity Challenge - Discussion

Final Immunity Challenge - The Box
Overview: At the top of the Challenge forum, you should see another forum that is password protected called The Box. When you want to begin the challenge, you should reply to the challenge thread to receive the password. Your time will start then.
Once inside, you will find two things. A new forum titled "Lock #1" and a thread titled "Lock #1 Password". The Lock #1 forum will be password protected. You will find instructions on how to get the password inside the "Lock #1 Password" thread.
This will be a mini challenge based off of a previous challenge in this game. In order to find the password, you will have to complete the challenge. This will lead you inside Lock #1 where you will find yet another forum titled "Lock #2" and a thread titled "Lock #2 Password." Inside the thread, there will be another mini challenge giving you the password for the "Lock #2" forum.
This will continue until you have reached Lock #5 and completed it. Inside there is the Immunity Necklace and your ticket to the final 3 of this game.
This is a very long challenge with many different aspects. We have seen plenty of players struggle in the early locks only to come back at the very end and win it all. Never give up in this challenge, keep on going.
You do not have to post within each lock since this challenge is not live.
• You discuss any aspect of this challenge with your competitors.