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Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:04:08 am
by Jeff Probst
Immunity Challenge #2

Overview: For today's challenge, the rules and description will remain a mystery until the challenge is underway. You only need one person to compete in the challenge, but the more people online, the greater your chances of winning.

As always, your time will start when you post in the thread. You will then be able to read the rules of the challenge and compete with your tribe. Participating members should have availability of at least 30 minutes, but you may compete together whenever you'd like over the course of the next 24 hours.

Good Luck!

Required Number of Players Per-Tribe: 1+

Challenge Deadline: 8:00c/9:00e sharp Tomorrow, Tuesday, Day 06.

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:05:58 am
by Sarah
UGH I LITERALLY HAVE TO FUCKING WORK ALL DAY TOMORROW. i was hoping i could do my part now.

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:07:04 am
by Andrea
i'm scared

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:08:36 am
by Rory
Sarah wrote:UGH I LITERALLY HAVE TO FUCKING WORK ALL DAY TOMORROW. i was hoping i could do my part now.

you have to work for an entire 24 hours starting now?

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:08:59 am
by Sophie
I will be the caller


Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:10:16 am
by Garrett


It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will be quitting the game tonight.
Now, I want to first make it known that this is NOT because I was voted off. Whether or not you believe me is up to you, but those that know how much I love this game and how far I'm willing to go; know that I'll never quit on the basis that I'm a dead man walking. I can overcome that.

What I cannot overcome, however, is vacation. If you don't already know, I am currently in Orlando with my family enjoying the last family vacation we will ever go on. I had faith that I could juggle both Stranded and the vacation, but I couldn't. See: Garrett Bucks. That was not me at my best. And rather than become a washed-down shell of my former self, I think it's best that I quit the game tonight.

Like I mentioned, I really love Stranded. In fact, this game has inspired me to join other ORG's online. And I love what Poods has done for the game of Survivor as a whole. And I REALLY wanted to continue playing. But I can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to be such a flop this time that I don't get invited back for a third time. I don't want to constantly get voted out time after time purely because I'm unable to be online. And I don't want to waste any of your spots in this game.

So I've decided to quit. I'll try to say some goodbyes real fast.
Andrea- my number two in command. You're an amazing person. Everyone vote her out. Seriously, this girl is a threat.
Vytas- You've been deducted 50 Garrett Bucks. And you lost my vote for president. Seriously though, you're a riot.
Mia- one of my favorite players I've met all game. I wish you the best of luck.
Lil- get your revenge on Sophie! Sorry I can't be there to help.
Brenda- do well, I guess. Oh, and make sure to give up immunity for me down the line!
Sarah- another personal favorite of mine. I'm rooting for you.
Ozzy- HOLY SHIT I LOVE OZZY. This is the guy that conducted my interview for season 29, and has been a huge support ever since. I really hope you win this thing.

Everyone that I'm forgetting- sorry, I'm just very very busy. I'll see you guys at the reunion!

Until then, this is Garrett signing off. Have fun, don't play nice. icon_blink

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:11:12 am
by Sophie
Bye Garrett!

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:11:52 am
by Cassandra
oh good

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:12:51 am
by Andrea
oh eek that "last family vacation" thing has me know how to get in touch with me if you want to talk, hon'. see you <3

also, nobody vote me out.

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:13:23 am
by Sarah
oh god. :(

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:13:41 am
by Tammy
Garrett wrote:ATTENTION!

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will be quitting the game tonight.
Now, I want to first make it known that this is NOT because I was voted off. Whether or not you believe me is up to you, but those that know how much I love this game and how far I'm willing to go; know that I'll never quit on the basis that I'm a dead man walking. I can overcome that.

What I cannot overcome, however, is vacation. If you don't already know, I am currently in Orlando with my family enjoying the last family vacation we will ever go on. I had faith that I could juggle both Stranded and the vacation, but I couldn't. See: Garrett Bucks. That was not me at my best. And rather than become a washed-down shell of my former self, I think it's best that I quit the game tonight.

Like I mentioned, I really love Stranded. In fact, this game has inspired me to join other ORG's online. And I love what Poods has done for the game of Survivor as a whole. And I REALLY wanted to continue playing. But I can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to be such a flop this time that I don't get invited back for a third time. I don't want to constantly get voted out time after time purely because I'm unable to be online. And I don't want to waste any of your spots in this game.

So I've decided to quit. I'll try to say some goodbyes real fast.
Andrea- my number two in command. You're an amazing person. Everyone vote her out. Seriously, this girl is a threat.
Vytas- You've been deducted 50 Garrett Bucks. And you lost my vote for president. Seriously though, you're a riot.
Mia- one of my favorite players I've met all game. I wish you the best of luck.
Lil- get your revenge on Sophie! Sorry I can't be there to help.
Brenda- do well, I guess. Oh, and make sure to give up immunity for me down the line!
Sarah- another personal favorite of mine. I'm rooting for you.
Ozzy- HOLY SHIT I LOVE OZZY. This is the guy that conducted my interview for season 29, and has been a huge support ever since. I really hope you win this thing.

Everyone that I'm forgetting- sorry, I'm just very very busy. I'll see you guys at the reunion!

Until then, this is Garrett signing off. Have fun, don't play nice. icon_blink

aren't you immune anyway?

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:14:08 am
by Wigles
Does this mean we're getting a replacement? Or Teresa is staying?

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:14:08 am
by Jeff Probst
Thanks Garrett, you've given us more in 5 days than most players give in an entire season and it was entertaining as always. I'm sure this won't be your last outing for Stranded.

Everyone else, the game continues, that much closer to the throne. Good luck!

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:16:21 am
by Sophie
Wigles wrote:Does this mean we're getting a replacement? Or Teresa is staying?

Absolutely not.

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:17:37 am
by Candice
Oh wow. Bye Garrett!

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:20:06 am
by Rory
bye garrett bye. hope all is well IRL.

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:20:29 am
by Rudy
Sophie wrote:
Wigles wrote:Does this mean we're getting a replacement? Or Teresa is staying?

Absolutely not.

My heart almost stopped. Lol

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:22:48 am
by Ozzy
Later Garrett. Good to be able to play with you, even if for a short time!

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:23:37 am
by Mia
*I burn my Garrett Bucks in memorial*

Re: Day 05 - Immunity Challenge #2 - Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:24:18 am
by Brenda
So these things are worthless now? Damn.