- Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:02:37 am
Overview: If you wish to compete in this challenge, you must answer a series of 11 questions. The answers to these questions will be the 8 other remaining contestants in the game. You will answer these in private and cannot discuss your answers with anyone under penalty of DQ. You cannot answer the same person for more than 3 questions.
You are submitting two sets of answers: After submitting YOUR answers to all 11 questions, You should then submit what you think everyone ELSE answered for the questions.
If you have guessed correctly, you will receive a point. The person with the most points at the end of the challenge wins Individual Immunity.
You should submit both of your lists quickly because the tie breaker will come down to who submitted the fastest.
• You must not discuss your answers or any aspect of this challenge with other
• You cannot answer yourself for the questions
• You cannot answer the same person for more than 3 questions
Time Limit: Challenge will end at 8:00c/9:00e sharp Thursday, August 17th.
Tribal Council will follow at 9:00c/10:00e, voting will be due at 9:30c/10:30e. You should prevote if you cannot be there live.
Immunity Challenge #14 - Survey Says
Overview: If you wish to compete in this challenge, you must answer a series of 11 questions. The answers to these questions will be the 8 other remaining contestants in the game. You will answer these in private and cannot discuss your answers with anyone under penalty of DQ. You cannot answer the same person for more than 3 questions.
You are submitting two sets of answers: After submitting YOUR answers to all 11 questions, You should then submit what you think everyone ELSE answered for the questions.
If you have guessed correctly, you will receive a point. The person with the most points at the end of the challenge wins Individual Immunity.
You should submit both of your lists quickly because the tie breaker will come down to who submitted the fastest.
• You must not discuss your answers or any aspect of this challenge with other
• You cannot answer yourself for the questions
• You cannot answer the same person for more than 3 questions
Time Limit: Challenge will end at 8:00c/9:00e sharp Thursday, August 17th.
Tribal Council will follow at 9:00c/10:00e, voting will be due at 9:30c/10:30e. You should prevote if you cannot be there live.